14.6.2010 | 08:10
Mörg lítil hagkerfi vinna ekki sem eitt stórt!
Í grein úr Financial Times má lesa eftirfarandi:
"The European Union is a tyranny of small countries, and this has served it well. But the small-country syndrome is counterproductive when it comes to macroeconomics. I was struck last week by two remarks from Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council. He defended the fast spreading austerity programmes on the grounds of the robust economic recovery. And on intra-eurozone imbalances, he said it was mostly a problem of countries with current account deficits."
"Governments now implement austerity packages without any consideration of the effect on other countries. Austerity started in Greece, spread to Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany."
"The Bank of Italy last week estimated that the effect of the austerity package would be to reduce the countrys already anaemic economic growth by 0.5 percentage points. In other words, the package is very likely to throw Italy back into recession. The same is almost certainly going to happen in Greece and Spain."
"The message the EU sends to the rest of the world is that it does not care about growth. But sustainable debt reduction is extremely difficult in the absence of growth.
It is the tragedy of the eurozone that it is run as a collective of small countries."
Einnig kemur fram í þessari grein að Frakkland sé sennilega eina landið þar sem hugsunin er lík og í stórum opnum hagkerfum meðan flest hinna vinna sem lítil opin hagkerfi. Því miður fyrir Evrusvæðið er Frakkland ekki stærsta landið og mun ekki athuga með inngöngu fyrr en eftir kosningar 2012 - ef það hættir ekki alveg við það þar sem enginn áhugi virðist vera á hagvexti innan Evrópusambandsins.
Einhversstaðar las ég að það mundi kosta Íslenska ríkið um 7 milljarða að fara í þetta ferli. Ef þessum 7 milljörðum væri veitt inní atvinnuleysisbótakerfið væri hægt að hækka framfærslu þar um ca 40þús á mánuði miðað við 16000 atvinnulausa, sem gæti munað þá umtalsvert um lífsgæði.
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